Starting in 1965

Kruger Baptist Church had its beginnings back in 1965 with the start of the Gailes Baptist Fellowship. In 1987 the Gailes church merged with the Redbank Plains Fellowship that had begun meeting two years earlier, to become the Redbank Plains / Gailes Baptist Fellowship.

Remember the 80s and 90s!

In 1988 the church bought the 10 acre property on Kruger Parade at Redbank where it meets today. Construction work commenced in November 1991 and the first Sunday service was held on June 14, 1992. With the new location came the new name; Kruger Parade Baptist Church.

An ‘Adventure of Faith’

The building project was a great adventure, starting with the ‘Adventure of Faith’ campaign that raised around half a million dollars to see the church facility built. Then came the adventures of; clearing the land, planning the building and constructing what we have today. It’s nothing short of a miracle, as so many people sacrificed so much to see this all take place. There was endless prayer along the way and miracles seemed to follow as God went before the church to bring together a very resourceful and skilful group of people to build the church over an 8 month period.

Over the years, our church focus has always been to glorify God and to grow people in their faith and commitment to Jesus Christ. We’ve seen many different faces, children raised to adults, families and communities helped and supported. God has been so good as we’ve seen a regular flow of people coming to know Jesus, baptisms and stories of spiritual growth and the work of God in people’s lives.

The 2011 Floods

We’ve always been a church with a heart to help those in need around us. During the 2011 flood disaster, the church became a hub for receiving and giving household items for those who were affected. We’ve also had a strong connection with helping our community through counseling, food hampers, pastoral care and the Life Keys courses that have seen hundreds of participants grow and develop in their personal and spiritual lives.

Stepping Out Internationally

Our work internationally continues to grow as, for many years, we’ve been strong supporters of Harland House, a boarding house for deaf students in Fiji. Work teams have travelled to Fiji to help and we support an outreach ministry in Fiji through Frank and Robyn Hawks. We are also investing in the work of Love International as they’ve developed a school and future medical facility in Mozambique and have held a number of outreach ministries over the years.

Loving Our Community

Major events have also played a significant role in making us who we are, from: Easter festivals, Christmas concerts, church camps, dinners, fundraising and working together on floats for the Jacaranda Festival. We’ve always been a church that’s active and seeking out ways to build our community through many types of activities. We’ve always had a strong focus on children and youth, at one stage even having a bus run that brought children to Sunday School. Over the years we’ve had playgroup, Sunday school, kids clubs, VBS holiday programs, youth groups, camps and kids games, all investing in the lives of children and families, helping them to grow and supporting them wherever possible.

We Believe In a Future Vision

As a church, we look forward to writing the next chapters in our story, our Adventure of Faith, as we listen to God and follow His lead in our lives individually and as a whole family.Will you join us?

Will you join us?

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